Here are a few ways to do a click and drag thinger with a HUD. They all have their pros and cons.
1. Dragging out a selection box texture on a prim. This requires 2 prims, one for the actual box and one for an image under it (so you can see the box).
Pro: Looks cool and will drag a 2D selection box on the surface of a prim.
Con: Only affects the texture and doesn't move a prim. Well I guess that's not a con if you're into that kind of thing.
You can find the code for that at the LSL code receptacle on the wiki.
2. Dragging a prim around using llDetectedTouchPos
Pros: Only uses one prim and can be dragged as far as you want in any direction.
Cons: Can only be dragged so fast because if you move your mouse off the surface of the prim, the touch event will stop and the prim won't move anymore. *Edit* Tahlie pointed out to me that the event doesn't actually stop, just that the prim isn't getting information on where to move anymore, and you can keep moving the prim if you move your mouse back over the prim.
//Written and given permission to duplicate by Tahlie Teskat3. Using a the UV coordinates of the texture of an invisible prim to drag another prim.
key owner;
// For move Function
vector LastTouchPos;
default {
// Reset Security
state_entry() {
owner = llGetOwner();
on_rez(integer rezzed) {
if (owner != llGetOwner()) llResetScript();
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
if (num == 666 && str == "reset") llResetScript();
// Reset Security
touch_start(integer total) {
LastTouchPos = llDetectedTouchPos(0);
touch(integer total) {
vector delta;
vector touchPos = llDetectedTouchPos(0);
if (touchPos != <0.0,0.0,0.0>) delta = touchPos - LastTouchPos;
if (delta != <0.0,0.0,0.0>) llSetPos(llGetLocalPos() + delta);
if (touchPos != <0.0,0.0,0.0>) LastTouchPos = touchPos;
Pros: can click anywhere and the prim will follow. Can click and drag without any limit on speed.
Cons: only works with 1 prim at a time (in this script's current state), requires 2 prims, doesn't always drag directly under where your mouse is (again probably just the way the script is now, it needs some tweeks.) Put this script in the root and make that prim invisible, stretch it to however large of an area you want, and link it to another object you want to drag and make sure it's under the root object.
//written by Valent1ne
touch(integer total_number)
vector offset = <.58,.45,0>; //this sort of random vector is the offset, you'll have to play with it to get it to work just right. At least until I figure out a better way.
vector pos = llDetectedTouchUV(0) - offset;
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, [PRIM_POSITION,pos]);
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