
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Allow Inventory Drop

So I received a question today about making it so that someone else could add inventory to an object that is no-mod. The answer is really simple. llAllowInventoryDrop(). The parameters are either TRUE or FALSE. You can put it wherever you want in your script so that it will set to either true or false exactly when you want, like if you want it that way all the time, just set it to true in state_entry. Or if you only want it to be that way for a few seconds, put it in an event, set it to true on one line, use llSleep() to stop the script for a few seconds, then set it back to false after that.

If it's set to true, anyone can drop inventory in, any object type except for scripts. The exception to this is that scripts can be transferred from object to object if llAllowInventoryDrop() is true, but the scripts are transferred in a non-running state, meaning they either need to be compiled again, or the object needs to be saved and re-rezzed.


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