
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Debug Assertion Failed!

PatriciaAnne Daviau writes:
Hello...This so does not have anything to do with LSL and not sure if you can help me but I am gonna throw it out to you anyway. I got a popup error in a project I was trying to compile. It read:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: D:\\3pt\MsPlatformSDK\2000_04\bin\RegSvr32.exe
File: oletyplb.cpp
Line: 32

Press Retry to debug the application
Abort Retry Ignore

I tried clicking retry but it gave me nothing. The other two options didn't help either.

Well, I'm not super great with C++ but I took a crack at the problem. Basically, from my understanding, the debug assertion is a part of the code that runs when it is compiled and if it returns false, stops compiling and gives you an annoying message so that you can go into the debugger before something explodes.

The part that I would look at is the "Line: 32" part. My guess is that something on that line in oletyplb.cpp is causing the compile to fail. Based on some of my research I found that the culprit is usually something like using an invalid pointer or trying to index an array beyond its boundaries.

Well I hope that helps, keep us updated on your progress!

Monday, May 03, 2010


Hi :) This is not really intended to be your typical blog, rather it will (hopefully) be a question and answer page for anything and everything related to LSL scripting. I also have a background in PHP, Javascript (and Processing), Actionscript 2.0, as well has HTML/CSS, so any questions related to those languages are fair game, although lets try to stick with questions that relate to LSL. That being said, feel free to post a comment to this post, or shoot me an email with your questions.

When asking a question, please leave your SL name and whether you would like to remain anonymous in the answer.

I hope to hear from you all soon!